Life could be so much more...
We all feel it underneath all the madness of day to day life; the unnecessary drama, the misunderstandings, the day to day drudgery that is not only completely pointless, but should have been replaced with a more intelligent way of doing things long ago: Life could be so much more...
Have you ever thought of how much harm the monetary system has done to our world? We all spend almost our entire lives slaving for others just to survive. Think of all the transport costs, unnecessary replacements and manufacturing, waste of resources, waste of time, waste of lives it has been responsible for over millennia... Why? So a group of people could have it all while ensuring others were lacking, distracted, arguing, fearful and ignorant.
The thing the elites don't realize is, they are harming themselves dramatically and robbing themselves of fulfillment and true happiness as well.
Imagine if instead of a system of greed, fear, lack and domination, built to ensure a handful of people thrive, we built a new system where we all thrived? Imagine if we all were determined to help one another thrive because we understood that if our fellow human beings thrived and achieved their full potentials, it would help us, and all future generations do the same... Not only is this future possible, but it is our best shot, and the most intelligent, sensible way forward.
Now, many people already realize this, but believe that it is impossible or improbable to achieve. Why? Because "they" told you so? Each of us has so much more power than we're led to believe. We have the power of choice. At any moment, we can change the way we do things, which will create many series of chain reactions throughout the future. Thinking of it that way, you come to realize you have an incredible amount of power.
What's holding us back? Well, first, false beliefs that were indoctrinated into us our entire lives and false conclusions we've drawn based on our current reality, which, contrary to what many of us have been led to believe, is NOT the only way of doing things.
Another major setback is ignorance. Many of us grew up believing it was "cool" to be stupid. Think of high school. (Ugh.) We need to reexamine our passions and explore all of our curiosities. These should be what we work for, as these things fulfill us. Our educational systems are less than perfect, and have been perverted with both the influence of money and by the influence of the "victors", who wrote the pages of history. We need to move education into a more individualized way of educating, as different methods of teaching work better for different people, and everyone has unique strengths, talents, and curiosities. This would empower each student with the passion to learn and give every single person the key to unlocking their full potentials. With that being said, if we open sourced all knowledge, it would help as well. Learning should not be something reserved for the people with the biggest bank accounts.
I know, "But wouldn't that give people who want to harm others unlimited access to harming others?"
Yes, but in a world such as this, every single person would be intelligent enough to understand that harming others harms themselves and harms the potential of humanity. Even the elites would understand that this will take away the imaginably vast amount of stress that they must have to deal with daily. Imagine never being able to trust anyone. Everyone would always be after their money or have some sort of ulterior motive. All that would go away for them, and the door would open for genuine human connections, one of the most priceless resources we have.
Which leads me to another setback: People harming others.
Why do people harm others? Some do it because that's how they've learned to get ahead in life. Others do it because that's what happened to them and they like feeling the power of doing it to others, as it puts them out of harm's way... Others do it out of jealousy, hatred, bigotry, etc...
Why do we have these ugly feelings?
The answer is, because none of us were raised in a way where we all could clearly communicate and appropriately express our emotions and others around us came from that, correct way of thinking. If you realize this, you understand that all the horrible things others have done to you, and even you have done to others, came from ignorance. You would never do those things to another if it wasn't seen as normal and you understood the true effect of your actions...
We all have Stockholm syndrome.
We are kept in fear, distracted and the whip is cracked for us to work for corporations and other businesses or start our own, so we can survive.
Which brings me to my last point: We need to all become 100% sustainable to free ourselves from this trap, the Matrix, our enslavement.
How can we do this?
Well, think of the trillions of dollars spent on war... Is it necessary?
Absolutely not. It is all about greed, money, and dominance and pretty much only serves the 1% trapped in the antiquated system they've perpetuated.
We use that money to convert to 100% sustainable energy for each family, house all the homeless, teach everyone to grow their own sustainable, organic vegetables that don't harm the environment, build things to last, and heal ourselves at the individual level, so that we all may become the healthy, amazing creatures we are meant to be, and that we have the potential to be.
I truly believe this way of living is the mark of true sentience, and the first step in becoming an interstellar species. It is definitely the first step in saving the earth from ourselves.
I can feel this reality coming on slowly. Only with the help of every single person on earth can we make it so...
Please spread this message. The world, the universe, the future will be forever in your debt.
Infinite Love,