10 Reasons Why So Many of Us Are Miserable
10 Reasons Why So Many of Us Are Miserable
So many people in today's world are miserable. They just go through life on autopilot, their passion stifled, their vigor lost, a ghost of who and what they could be, miserable because deep down they know our prefabricated society is insane. Why are we living like this? The underlying reason is that our current world and paradigm is a chain reaction of patterns of domination, which had high immediate reward in the past, as opposed to the path to true reward: cooperation. There are numerous supplemental reasons why so many of us are miserable, but I have compiled 10 reasons for us all to think on.
1)We as a society have forgotten the value of self-knowledge. When you take a look at cultures throughout history, you see that most of them valued self-mastery over all. This was the reason for the Native American "spirit quests". There is a very good reason for this: it's the biggest part of your life, the narrator, the analyzer, the actor, the creator... If you don't first know yourself, you will always be lost in life, pursuing quick fixes and bandaids to temporarily make you feel good. You'll feel empty inside, as if something is missing. Now, in modern culture, we have that feeling, but we have mistakenly believed it to be our "other half", our soulmate, or partner if you don't believe in that kind of stuff. (Keep in mind, having a significant other is a beautiful thing and has a lot of value, but before you and your partner truly know yourselves, it won't work out the way you feel it should.) It was in fact our "other half", but it was never someone outside of ourselves. It was our inner voice, our subconscious, our soul, our true self. In order to truly know yourself, you must spend a lot of time alone examining yourself and your thoughts and actions and the underlying reasons for them, applying critical thinking to yourself and your actions. Normally any discomfort with something is due to conflicting or unsorted feelings about something, often from things others have done to you or even you have done to others, or yourself. One major clue to this is something all good counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists tell their patients: Most inner turmoil is caused by a faulty root belief or problem. Find the root cause of your discomfort or your problem and you will fix it. I am going to tell you something that helped heal me of PTSD, Depression and Anxiety. I was a rape victim and suffered many tragedies throughout life committed by others, who I respected, as all should respect others, and more painfully by those who I loved most, and still love, underneath all the pain. People hurt you because they are ignorant of their actions and the effects that follow, and they are either repeating learned behavior committed to them, shown to them (or not), or have learned that it was the best way to get by in life. It is in no way your fault, or even completely theirs. They were born into a world where people routinely do these hurtful things and we are taught that it "just happens" and "that's just how the world is". The reason it hurts so much is that you would never concieve of doing such a thing to them, and still have feelings of love towards them, or at least respect them as a human being enough to never imagine doing such a thing to someone. These people have never truly experienced love, because they have never truly loved themselves. Their behavior and mindset is the result of a chain reaction of millions of harmful actions and reactions from the past. The key to changing it is transformation. My personal mission is in part to end all human suffering. To do this we must first each become whole inside. We all need to realize that harming others, physically, mentally, or harming their ability to thrive, is harming yourself. Benevolence is intelligence, and all malevolence is ignorance, and can be cured, through knowledge. Idealists, optimists, and even realists: We CAN create a beautiful world where we all thrive, but it will take a lot of work. Once this becomes a standard part of education, we will eradicate hate, harm to others, rape, murder, crime, corruption, war, fake friends, bad spouses, and all the problems that create inner and outer turmoil. This will open the door to nothing but pure unconditional love towards others. It will bring about beautiful friendships and romantic relationships. Family issues will be a thing of the past. Let's make this mainstream together, beautiful souls.
2)We hold conflicting beliefs, and haven't yet resolved them. As I touched upon earlier, conflicting beliefs are often the root of inner turmoil. You may have once believed that person loved or respected you as much as you did them. This is a dangerous belief, and I myself was guilty of this one. No one can truly love you until they have learned to love themselves. It's cliche, I know, but don't dismiss something because it's "cliche". Labels are a form of limitation and sometimes bigotry. The adage is actually deep wisdom. We may already partially love ourselves, but we need to fully embrace ourselves, and look past our flaws, as we often do for those we love, and forgive ourselves and others for the things we did in ignorance in the past. Release fears by not associating yourself with people who don't truly love themselves. You will recognize them easily now: Those who hurt others, act in jealousy, hatred, anger, spite, envy, really any of the ugly emotions. But that doesn't mean you don't love them. The self, when healed, loves everyone and wants the best for all. You need to give them the space they need to develop themselves fully, as you have or are. It's hard because some of these people are our lifelong friends and family, but it isn't their fault, as it isn't yours, that no one has been taught to introspect properly. Another major common conflicting belief is the thought that "You can't change the world" and "That's just how it is", when our inner knowing tells us that we all change the world just by being born into it. Every action we take, every decision we make, every dark we transform to light, will have infinite effects upon infinite effects in the future. Plant the seeds for the best future, and you are changing the world dramatically.
3)We haven't learned how to properly process our emotions. Everything I have been saying is a part of the proper way to process emotions and actions in the world. Another thing to consider is that often your knee jerk reaction is a part of your programming. We respond emotionally when we haven't resolved something or are uncomfortable with being wrong about something. We need to develop humility, because we are all wrong at one time or another. We also need to hold extreme value in learning to correct our false beliefs. This paves the way for proper emotional expression. People will often have ignorant views, or do ignorant things. It isn't their fault that's what they were taught. They can learn to see things properly too, they're just learning at their own pace, and sometimes blocked from learning and growing due to holding false beliefs of their own. They are in desperate need of introspection. This eliminates a lot of the anger and hatred we feel towards others. Everyone has the potential to see things the proper way. Bigotry, racism, sexism, nationalism, slavery, etc. were all things that developed in ignorance. How can you hate people who don't know better? You can't. You can hate their ideology, but never them. By looking at conflict this way, one feels a large weight lifted off their shoulders... What if my partner cheats on me when I'm gone? That's his problem, I can definitely find someone who treats me better. What if something happens to someone I love? We can't worry about this because it is inevitable, eventually, and therefore it is best to release this worry and focus on other, more productive things. What if this person secretly hates me? The most important thing is that you like yourself. If somebody hates you, there is nothing you can do about it, it's something inside them that needs tending to. All of these inner trappings keep us stuck in an illogical loop of thought, constantly circling, never resolved in our heads. The solution is always to do something you've never done before, deal with it differently, because doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is literally the definition of insanity.
4)We hold false beliefs. Often, we unknowingly hold false beliefs, and it creates blocks and problems in our lives. As a rule, we should always think critically and question all that we're taught, we believe and we're told. As children, we are easily manipulated and indoctrinated to hold false beliefs, often even by well-meaning adults and friends who unknowingly hold these beliefs themselves. This is a key part of the introspection we each need. As I mentioned earlier, believing you can't change the world is the only reason many of us don't or haven't. This should be what we all live for: Making the world a better place for all. The only limits are those you have been taught. So, if someone says something that rings true, and it angers you, it's usually due to holding a false belief. Let go of the need to always appear right, be humble and correct yourself. That's the only way past the false belief, and opens up new possibilities to you. If your belief relies on valuing one person or group of people over another (besides harmful ones, but really it's their mentality, not them), you are wrong. All malevolence is wrong and rooted in ignorance and all true benevolence is right. Truly intelligent people understand that benevolence for all is the best thing for self, humanity, our planet, and even the universe.
(You can find more on false beliefs in my previously published blog, 10 Dangerous and Destructive Commonly Held False Beliefs )
5)We limit ourselves too much. I touched upon this earlier. We limit ourselves drastically. Pretty much all of our limitations can be rooted in false beliefs. There are literally no boundaries to what humanity can do once we are all right with ourselves and treat each other right. Once we all have all of the things we need to thrive: clean, self-produced food, clean water, a clean planet, free and renewable power, sustainable shelters, and free and open knowledge (only once we completely embrace benevolence to prevent using knowledge for malevolent purposes), we will be travelling the cosmos, mastering all. We will be the gods. And speaking of the cosmos, most of the advanced extraterrestrial life that's bound to be out there in infinity would likely be benevolent, as malevolent species would probably destroy themselves before achieving that technology, malevolent species that did happen to become interstellar would likely be easily converted to benevolence with knowledge, and any benevolent ones out there would be working to spread benevolence across the universe and advance other civilizations, because that would be the fastest path to ultimate knowledge, the ultimate goal of all sentient species.
6)We lack an open mind. Did you think anything I have been saying is impossible or ridiculous? You likely lack an open mind. Anything is possible. All of the technology we possess today was probably seen as "impossible" just 200 years ago. We should work to show every person that an open mind is an essential part to a healthy being, which leads me to my next point.
7)We don't take proper care of our bodies and health. Most of us, sadly, don't take proper care of our bodies and health. We may lack the time, or ambition to do so. But a healthy body, fueled by clean, organic, healthy food is key to a healthy mind. The brain needs ideal oxygen levels to function properly, and the body, as a whole, needs many essential vitamins and minerals, and sunshine to produce vitamin d that our bodies can use. We obliviously "wash" ourselves with and ingest sometimes toxic chemicals, approved by the FDA, but that doesn't say much, since most sectors of our government can be bought off to do anything a corporation desires. This is why we should be making our own soaps at the moment and growing our own foods. That's the only way we can control what we put in our bodies and on our skin, our largest organ. We entrust our healthcare to an industry largely run by pharmaceutical corporations, whose interest lies in creating customers, not dispensing cures. Food is medicine. Eat properly, with clean, organic, foods, ensuring a balance of a variety of foods, exercise regularly, and you will likely not need "healthcare" as this is proper health care.
8)We don't have equal opportunities in life. Our current world allows a few to prosper while many suffer and lack. We need to build a new world where we all have all we need, and don't need to work for money to buy the things we need to survive. This will ensure we all have proper time for introspection, loved ones, creativity, curiosity, travel, and pursuing our passions, which will in turn lead to the best experts in each field the world has ever seen. There will be no people in any field who passed their exams with less than perfect grades, struggling to get through their work day, despising their jobs. It will eventually eliminate the ability for corruption and greed to thrive, eliminate pollution, and pave the way to a beautiful, fair world. There's another false belief: that life will never be fair, because the world we were born into wasn't fair. It can, and will be fair and even beautiful, if we work towards it.
9)Others are not healed. Once you've healed all of your internal conflicts, and your body, there is always the fact that others are not yet healed. Creating a more fair world will make it easier for others to heal, even if they have been blind and deaf to what I, and others, have been saying the entire time. Writing these blogs and spreading this knowledge is planting seeds for the future, and that's all I can do for now. Once these people see the effects of creating individual sustainability, then communities that are sustainable, then people with much higher potentials, they will eventually come around, even the skeptics. This is literally the only way we can heal the world. This is our purpose. If we fail, the world will become uninhabitable for a time, and eventually heal itself and we will become a species long forgotten.
10)We lack the time to introspect. A significant setback to "finding ourselves" is that we lack the time to do so... From the age of 5 we spend most of our time being indoctrinated by the elite's narrative of education. It serves its purpose, making us literate and knowledgeable about our understanding of history, science, math, language, etc, yet it also robs us of time and fails to educate us in the most valuable and essential ways. It isn't taught in the most efficient, and best way for each of us, it's more of a cookie cutter, "You need to squeeze into our system" type of education. We are then told, go to college, which takes up even more time, and whose syllabi are potentially tainted with the money and influence of the oligarchs, or we get jobs to pay to be alive (indentured servitude). It takes up so much of our time, that we are left with merely a few hours most days with our friends and families, let alone for introspection... This is no way to live. Almost every person on their deathbed regrets not spending more time with family and friends, improving our world, and doing more things they love. That is what we should be living for, but first we need to break the chains of slavery we were born into by becoming self-sufficient, freeing up the time for introspection, passions and loved ones.
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Infinite Love, -Serendellion