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10 Things You Never Knew Society Stole From You

10 Things You Never Knew Society Stole From You

Until one develops a broader perspective, it's easy to overlook the fact that society and its constructs are robbing each of us of so much in our lives. Those in power limit us vastly so they can maintain control, but at what cost? Their own lives, happiness and fulfillment are even sacrificed in the process. Is it really worth it? The answer is no. I present 10 things you never knew society stole from you.

1)Your Environment Capitalism and those who work to maintain it has provided structure and direction for people to make developments in technology and work. Yet, it fails to produce the best it can, due to the very forces that keep it going: greed, ego and domination. These three things have been responsible for countless tragedies throughout history. This has stifled the spread of ideas due to fear of someone else getting credit for a person's ideas, or that someone's idea will put you out of business. It has encouraged ignorance and privatized education so that those with the most money always stay on top, and the main population is too distracted by division, materialism, chemicals as a means to escape, endless work, and bored by schooling to figure out how to fix the problem. This has also caused a major disconnect to nature. The super corporations that have evolved have no concern for the environment, and would sooner destroy entire ecosystems in the blind pursuit of profit than divest in the destructive practices and invest in new ones. Corporations are always seeking profit, instead of structural integrity, longevity, sustainability and efficiency, and that has lead to even further depletion of resources, lives and time. The environment has been sacrificed in favor of a human construct that is obsolete, roundabout, and pointless. We could achieve all these developments efficiently, without the idiotic setbacks we are experiencing, without the capitalist structure, or even money in general.

2)Your Passion The education system, as it is, slowly erodes children's passions, ability to think critically, and desire to learn. It is a construct designed to pump out wage slaves that keep their economy going, at the expense of forfeiting their entire lives to capitalism. It does have its value, but its structure is deeply flawed. On top of this, with our children kept so busy with schooling, and their parents kept so busy by working so much, no one has the time for introspection, loved ones, and indulging in their curiosities (if they even still have them, after school and work suck them out of them). Everyone has something that absolutely invigorates them and inspires them to learn voraciously about it. Unfortunately with the privatization of education, it has limited the amount of people who pursue their passions because of financial hardships, people telling them their dreams are unrealistic, and the desire to pursue a more lucrative career. This is one of our deepest tragedies. Due to this we have people in many fields who barely passed their exams, and others who just do their jobs on autopilot, unmotivated, underpaid and unappreciated by their employers, who see them as replacable objects to be used.

3)Your Happiness Yes, you do have a certain amount of power to create your own happiness. You have the power of reaction and maintaining a positive mindset. The only thing I am saying here is that we could all be so much happier if society was structured differently. If money wasn't an obstacle for anyone, or any other physical thing that could discriminate against you in favor of another, each of us could do exactly what makes us happy, without reserve, limitations or setbacks. Imagine if we all had all we needed. We could have 3d printed technology(and always the latest), organically grown food indoors on timers, guaranteed access to clean water, a home, free sustainable energy, and a free and open internet with open source knowledge. We wouldn't need to work to survive, so we'd all be working towards our passions and curiosities. We would have time for introspection, family and friends. Dare I say that most crime and abuse would be unheard of in this kind of world? I believe it to be true.

4)Your Happy Relationships In our current world, most parents must work long hours, entrusting the care of their precious children to others so they can provide for them. This robs both the parents and children of bonding time. It often robs the children of a healthy environment where they can thrive mentally and physically, as they are left with a deep sadness and an often less than ideal relationship with their parents. As a result of this, most people spend at least 10 years of their adulthood trying to come to terms with all of the pain and suffering from their childhoods, and many adults are left wondering what they could have done better. The gun was to their head, practically. If they didn't work so much they couldn't feed their children. They had no choice but to sacrifice their natural time to bond and get to know their children in order to provide for them. This is so horrible. No child should have to be sentenced to an unloving, lonely childhood due to the systemic enslavement of their parents. On top of this, due to our sad childhoods, and many times traumatic events that happened, we develop into mentally unstable adults, who don't know themselves, don't have confidence, don't believe in themselves and are harboring deep old wounds. In my opinion, this is precisely what causes depression, anxiety, narcissistic personality disorder, murderers, rapists, etc... This also causes dramatic, less than ideal romantic relationships. We often settle for partners who offer some of what we need and want, closing ourselves off to the possibility to be with the person who would be our best match, due to circumstances and many times, not truly knowing yourself and them not truly knowing themselves.

5)Your Power We've all been tragically led to believe we have no power, or little power. It's a lie that is repeated to us from the time we're a child to adulthood by people around us from all walks of life. Do you want me to help you overcome that lie? Imagine time, and your life, from the perspective of seeing past, present and future at the same time. Can't do it yet? It's okay. Examine them all separately. Pick a major event from your past. Do you see how it effected you in the future, which is now? Imagine not just how it effected you, but how that effect effected others around you, and how often it did. Now imagine the other people you effected. Imagine the effect it had on them and the effect they had on others. This goes on infinitely. Understanding that, you can imagine that one event from your past or in your present can destroy worlds or save them in the future. Your power is infinite. Your choices are important. We are a speck in the scheme of things, but we are all one, we are all connected and each of our actions and decisions are equally important. Now please keep this in mind before making any potentially destructive decisions, but don't worry too much about it. I find thinking like this it is sometimes hard to make a decision because I am always seeing all of the effects I might have.

6)Your Potential In society's structure today, everyone is so limited on what they can do. You can't do this or buy this because you don't have the money, you can't do that because you don't have the proper connections... It's all bullshit. You can do anything you put your mind to, certainly, and to make the options available to us all, we need to break our limitations. Capitalism is a limitation. Money itself is a limitation. Statism is a limitation. All these constructs give a small amount of people with a limiting vision for the world the power to do anything they want, without the proper mental state to have this power. No one person or group of people should have the power over us all. The only power over us should be a peace force to stop those who harm others and their ability to thrive. They are the true criminals. Once we are all in our proper mindsets, (which normally takes years to heal all old hurts and wounds, and often a very bad tragedy that causes you to introspect deeply for years) we would all be at a healthy place where anyone would choose for the entire world to thrive if given the choice. The only way to ensure that you will thrive, and you will achieve your true potential, is to ensure that we all do.

7)Your Prosperity Your prosperity has always been possible, though it has been limited by the constructs of the world you were born into. It will become a guarantee for all if we ensure that we all have all the tools we need to thrive.

8)Your Success Just as I said above, your success is also always possible, but it has been vastly limited to the constraints and rules of society. Within a world such as I imagine your success will be guaranteed. You will be motivated and invigorated to work towards only the things that you're passionate about, therefore, you will likely be successful in your endeavors, because you will have pride and integrity in your work and words.

9)Your Life Tragically, your life in today's world, is a mere shadow of how amazing it could be. For generations, we have devoted entire lives to capitalism, imperialism, and the benefit of a few. Luckily, we can create this in our lifetimes, by demanding it in solidarity. We must endlessly work towards this. It's the most important thing anyone could work on. Connect with like minded people, join groups with the same types of missions, introduce this concept to those who have never thought of it. Plant seeds in the minds of those who would dismiss it. Literally nothing is more important to our future.

10)Your World Even our world is a shadow of what it could be. Imagine a world with no borders, no discrimination, no inequality (besides in skills), no starvation, no disease, no wars, no governments, no money, no limits, no tragedies (besides accidents, but we will even overcome that one day), no hate, no misunderstanding, no inflated egos, no domination... This world is possible, but only through education and spreading this idea to the world. This is my mission. I devote my life to this. Each person's pain and suffering hurts me just as much as if it were me. We can do this, together.

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Infinite Love to All -Serendellion

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