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10 Things Keeping Us From Paradise

10 Things Keeping Us From Paradise

Paradise: A concept commonly dismissed as a mere "pipe dream." But is it actually something within our reach? I believe so. Given, there are many things impeding us from its creation. Here are 10 things keeping us from paradise.


Ignorance has been one of the biggest roadblocks to the pathway to Utopia. Many people have lost their ability to critically think due to our society's structure, and following the wrong people. This has shrouded their ability to reexamine false beliefs they may be holding. People often ignorantly judge an entire group of people with one common trait that has nothing to do with the peoples' personality. They also often do things to help themselves, regardless of what it does to others and oblivious to the world of harm they are creating around themselves by their actions, But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Fortunately, ignorance can always be cured through knowledge. Therefore, to open up this part of the pathway, we must reexamine our beliefs, educate others, and have patience, because this is a process.

2)Seeking quick fixes

We all instinctively pursue the option that gives us high payout, with minimal effort. It may have made sense back in the days of the Neanderthals, with such a short life expectancy, but this behavior has gotten so out of control that we have nearly rendered our own planet, our sustenance, uninhabitable. This behavior no longer makes sense. Once you develop as broad of a perception as possible, and understand history as much as we currently can, you see all the things humanity has done in ignorance pursuing that quick fix, while a little patience and planning could have payed off much more in the long run. This is the perfect epitome of society today. Its structure is designed to nurture and pay off that "quick fix" behavior, and it has led to countless inhumane actions. There is a much simpler way to structure society without all of our current, roundabout, and pointless behaviors, that would only benefit us all.

3)Blind faith

A touchy subject, when you're referring to religion, but we have naively put our trust in more than just religion. We blindly trust authority, mistakenly believing that doing what we're told by authority figures is always the right thing to do. Many of mankind's greatest atrocities have been committed by people blindly following orders. Think of the Crusades, the Holocaust, slavery, the Inquisition... These are horrible atrocities that the heart of any benevolent religion or belief system is not in agreement with. This is the corruption of man, man who has succumbed to his most vile nature. So, yes, have faith in a higher power if that is what you believe. What I am saying is never to listen to a person or even the words in a religious text if they tell you to do or think horrible things that judge others or harm others for insignificant things. That is your only power as a human in these situations, your free will. In my opinion, it is only okay to harm others in self defense, or in defense of those who can't defend themselves. If you believe in a benevolent deity, you know in your heart that is what the deity would want too. Always, always question authority.

4)Our differences

Our differences divide us. They keep us arguing and distract us from the real issues. Left vs. Right, black vs. white, poor vs. rich, our country vs. your country... They are all silly distractions designed to perpetuate the arguments themselves, because they truly don't make sense. United we stand. Divided we fall. Left vs. Right is an age old conflict to distract us from the fact that it's truly just Oligarchy vs. Us. Your vote will never matter when they count the votes. In my opinion, it was silly to allow anyone to rule over anyone else, because they have proven time and again that they are unworthy. Black vs. White is a silly argument that some people still perpetuate today because they feel the need to feel superior to another for their ethnicity. It's important to realize that after the slaves were freed, poor whites and freed slaves united against the corrupt rich, so to solve that problem, the malevolent rich pitted them against each other by elevating the poor white people. Absolutely evil. Poor vs. rich has a point, yet it's important to remember that not all wealthy people want to hold the rest of us back. Generalizations are very harmful. Nationalism is divisive because it leads people to believe their country is inherently better than other countries. In reality, we may have some better things, but other countries definitely have us beat in some areas as well. What needs to happen here to defeat this divisiveness is we need to find the common ground among us all. We all want prosperity, peace and happiness. To find it we must unite, reexamine the roots of our silly disagreements, and work for and demand a Utopian future. Together.

5)Feeling powerless

Many of us feel like there is nothing we can do to help solve the world's problems. This is only true if you believe it. If you believe it, you won't even try to help. If you realize it's a lie we've been spoon fed since birth, you will do everything in your power to help. This is why it's true that you create your reality. It's not some magical fantasy. You set your limits. You must first identify them and release any false limits you may have given credence to. It reminds me of a picture I once saw of a horse chained to a chair. You imprison yourself, to some extent by holding false beliefs.

6)Money itself

Money itself has been used as a means to control and distract us from reality. What is reality? Well, there is the matrix society has created for us, but reality to me is everything that's left when we eliminate all that. It's fluff. Think about how we operate in today's society. Instead of each of us growing our own food individually, we work our butts off, usually excessive hours, to feed and shelter our families, always pursuing the next best technology.

We have no time for introspection, especially since we often fill our time off with distractions, because we all need them to survive this world we are currently trapped in, and we all need down time. We are all trying to distract ourselves from the horror of the reality of our lives. We know in our hearts that this cold, wasteful, isolated, dog-eat-dog world is nothing compared to the world it could and should be.

To fix this, we need to create a world without it. I know, your first reaction is to mentally freak out and picture the end of times, but money is a roundabout way to get the things we need, and in an ironic twist, it has severely hindered our growth individually, and collectively. It has enabled corruption and greed to levels of insanity. Eliminating this will eliminate a lot of problems with our world.


Greed was never meant to serve any purpose besides ensuring you and your family had enough. Money has enabled a small amount of people to accumulate such insane amounts of wealth that it has ensured a large amount of the population is lacking. In reality, we have enough for us all, if only we let go of our greed. Monetary greed is not the only thing that has been born of this corrupt system. We even hoard our ideas, in an attempt to ensure any payout for those ideas goes to us. The problem with that is the ideas have to pass through the government-run patent office, so many ideas are stolen, bought out, or suppressed because they would put other friends of the oligarchy out of business.

The travesty that has happened here is that humanity has been robbed of technologies that could have aided in the quest for Utopia for the benefit of a few people. A prime example is zero-point energy, which Nikola Tesla discovered last century, and likely countless others have developed similar technologies, only to disappear themselves or be paid off. Imagine the good this technology would do for the entire world. Cures for cancer have been discovered as well, only to be suppressed for the benefit of the "healthcare" industry. What a joke. This has gotten completely out of control. There is one thing besides forgoing money we can do to end this. Ensure each of us have all we need. We have the technology to do this. The other thing we can do is share ideas for these life-changing technologies freely, because that is the only way it will get out. Send copies of them like a virus, even in paper form if need be. Once you have a ton of copies out there, it would be highly unlikely to be suppressed.


Corruption is another horror born of greed and money, at least in the form in which we see it today. The healthcare industry has been corrupted, the justice system, our government, even education. Corruption is rampant because it's so hard to succeed in our current society. People have been taught that stepping on others to get up has high reward, and they will keep doing it if we continue to allow this system to control our lives. We can defeat corruption by first forbidding any person to rule others, making society 100% democratic. Second, we must break up with money. Money is a means for corruption to thrive. Third, we must ensure we each have all we need with the help of technology. Once these things are in place, there will be no need for corruption. To really ensure it never has a chance to take hold again, we must get rid of armies and police forces and replace them with a peace force. There will be one law. Do not harm others or their ability to thrive. The people who break this law will be the only criminals, as in reality they ARE the only criminals. And it's painstakingly clear they hold many government positions. The only exception to this rule is in self-defense against harm, or defense of those who can't defend themselves. We will unite worldwide in this world, thriving individually, as a species, and as a planet. We'll share ideas freely and work together to create the best future we can collectively conceive. This will benefit the individuals behind the Oligarchy more than their current scheme could ever have benefited them. To stand against this future is illogical, further hinders our growth as a species, and further damages our planet and its ability to thrive.


Governments have, in recent years at least, done more harm then good for the people they rule over. We need to seriously rethink politics. Why do we need "masters" in this day and age? They are holding us all back, and often only serving the Oligarchy behind them. Our government should first and foremost protect the planet and its people from harm, and it's failing miserably due to corruption running rampant throughout it. Money and power corrupt. We need to develop a system where no one gets that much power, ever again, therefore, eliminating that method of corruption and harm that has subjugated, tortured, destroyed the environment, and given us false hope for millennia.


At the bottom of all of this is ourselves. We are the biggest thing stopping us from creating paradise. Only together can we unite and bring this future into being. I can foresee even many of those who were for destroying the world to secure wealth uniting with this cause, because it makes more sense, and it will give them a much higher level of happiness than any amount of money could provide for them. When we all thrive, each of us will thrive individually more than any other means of ensuring it. We only need to believe, educate, and work hard towards this future. It is worth more than any monetary job or career could provide for you. It is working towards a beautiful future for us, our children, and all posterity.

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Infinite Love, -Serendellion

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