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10 Reasons Humanity Hasn't Reached Its True Potential

Earth: such a beautiful planet, teeming with life, full of wonder and beauty, but to many humans, it is only a resource, ripe for the picking, to be used until there is nothing left, and evacuated in pursuit of another planet to rape. How did so much of mankind come to see things through this psychopathic lens? This world view is responsible for many of the problems that have stifled mankind from realizing its true potential. Perhaps in identifying the problems and correcting them, we may one day overcome these blocks and finally reach our full potential. In that hope, I present to you: 10 Reasons Humanity Hasn't Reached Its True Potential.


Statism is defined as "a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs." This is a reality for most, if not all governments throughout the world. The line between the state and the central banks has become blurred. The state controls the media and all "mainstream" narratives presented to the people. They own the news, the TV stations, the radio, the newspapers, the magazines, maybe not all directly, but because of payouts or shared interests of some sort. They have the power to stifle any inventions that could help humanity, and practice it often to keep their friends, the successful corporations in business, and to keep their capitalist system of waste and unbridled consumption in use.

Statism kindles materialism, for the two things are intrinsically connected. Why would we need a government to "protect us" if we didn't continually seek material things, and create an environment of lack for many and luxury for a few? If we all had the things we needed, and access to the latest technological tools and knowledge, we wouldn't have any lack, therefore we would have virtually no crime. We wouldn't need to criminalize people seeking self medication with drugs simply because they aren't sponsored by corporations, and they aren't able to be taxed on the black market. In all likelihood, those people would probably not need to self medicate, as they often do this to numb the pain of living in such a perverted world, lacking in real connection with others.

This means of control has created a population that is overwhelmingly ignorant to reality, and relies on the state to think for them, to give them the picture of how the world is; only that picture is as surreal and imaginary as the worlds depicted in Salvador Dali paintings. In this perception, our potentials are snuffed. How can one make an impact in improving the world if their view is distorted; if they don't even see the real problems? Luckily, many are beginning to wake up to this reality and we're all starting to make a difference.


Corporatism is exactly what it sounds like: "the control of a state or organization by large interest groups." This is the true power behind most of the world's governments today, due to the perversions introduced through capitalism. The largest corporate entities, who have accumulated their fortunes through taking advantage of everyone, have managed to infiltrate nearly all aspects of all governments. They are behind the statism, the horrible policies, the bribed politicians, and the complete perversion of government. Why? Because that is the nature of capitalism, continually seeking more; more power, more money, more control, more profit. The thing they are blind and/or indifferent to is that their continual quest for more is leaving the rest of us with continually less, which will eventually lead to their collapse, as they will one day be unable to get more, because there will be no more to get. They really don't see the flaw in their perception. They are effectively stifling their own potentials by doing this. We have ignorant people creating more ignorant people. We are pretty much apes in suits, although I bet there are some apes who are more humane that many humans.

3)Selfish Imperialism

Imperialism is "a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force." We've been practicing this for thousands of years, mostly through military force, but why would we want to do this in the first place when we could have influence peacefully? It has been responsible for the death of likely trillions or more people throughout history. Imperialism itself is not the problem. If our motives for imperialism had been benevolent and selfless, in the interest of improving our world, not just promoting our self or our country, kingdom, tribe, etc., the world would be a paradise right now.

None of those people realized that their true personal potential and highest success is only possible through the benevolent cooperation of humanity towards humanity's highest and best potential. This is in part due to our tendency to hoard knowledge, resources and power, and to try to fit in and be normal, and this selfish behavior has sadly been our "normal" for millennia.

4)Perversion of Religion

Religion itself can be a source of inspiration and strength for people. It has been perverted through the influence of man's perceptions, which had to do with what they perceived to be normal at the time. Unfortunately many horrible things were normal when the books of most major religions were written. Some examples are slavery, misogyny, violence and inequality. These things are not the will of any benevolent god, but the representation of the norms of the time by the authors of the books. No one should revere any act of malevolence as the work of a benevolent god. Many of the views in these books and stories are flawed and influenced by the writers.

The main message of all of the books are the same: Love all, harm none, live benevolently. This is the only true and beautiful message from all of them. One should never worship a book. Even the books say that. "Do not worship false gods." God is love... God is benevolence... We must all understand this and set aside differences and let go of any of the malevolent behaviors sometimes portrayed in these books. Some people are even adverse to the word God, because it has become associated with people who are religious yet malevolent. We all must come to understand each other, and understand the flaws in religions due to them being the creations of mankind. There are good people from all walks of life. I salute you all.

5)Money and Capitalism

Money originated as a means to trade, and that itself was not harmful, but humans, seeing the opportunity to take advantage, began to use money without having the goods to back it. This will always be a possibility as long as it exists, therefore, to eliminate the possibility we must eliminate money. In this world, we have the means to ensure we all are provided all we need to survive and all the tools we need to develop new inventions and become the best version we can possibly be. There is no longer a need for money. This will take a big burden off of our collective shoulders. It is a roundabout way of operation that has been taken advantage of at many turns.

Capitalism has been a creator of super predators for as long as it has existed. They have stifled innovations that would have rendered them obsolete, they have killed in its defense, they have taken over governments and controlled the masses. They have destroyed ecosystems, brought on extinctions, and contaminated land and water. There is no benefit of keeping capitalism. We must instead forgo money, and economy, and concentrate only on improving our world and cleaning up our mess. Only then will we have the best world possible for all of us, which also benefits each of us individually the most.

These things have been two of the most harmful aspects of our world in history. It's time to release them and confine them to its pages.


Propaganda is "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view." It has the power to influence social norms, perceptions and behaviors. It has been a manipulative tool since its invention. Perhaps we can create a new brand of propaganda, which tells the truth, awakens true perception, and shatters the old, flawed, collective perception, which is incredibly harmful to everyone. It should truly be illegal to knowingly print or spread false information. This has been another major player in the stifling of our potentials. It has started wars, incited violence, incited prejudices, and divided humanity for too long.

7)The Patent System

The idea that one can own knowledge or information is insane. One can be the first in known history to think of it, but no person should ever be granted ownership of knowledge, as the person should naturally want to share that knowledge with the world to improve it and teach others. Capitalism has created this hoarding of knowledge. People wanted credit for their inventions and innovations so they could make money, which has been pretty much the only method of survival in the "civilized" world for the last century.

The error in this system was that the government owned it. The government, therefore, could, and would, confiscate certain inventions they wanted to keep to themselves or if the discovery or invention would ruin a major business, they would hide it. This is ridiculous. If we weren't using money and capitalism none of these inventions would have been confiscated. We'd have Tesla's wireless power and nameless other innovations. The world would be alien to us.

8)Hoarding of Knowledge

Knowledge wasn't hoarded only within the patent system. Knowledge and education have historically been reserved largely for those with the largest land holdings and bank accounts. This is because they knew that knowledge was power. But they failed to understand that in hoarding knowledge they have missed countless opportunities for the advancement of humankind by not allowing each of us to access it, therefore, eliminating so many geniuses from realizing their full potential.

I imagine in the future all knowledge will be open source, to provide the opportunity for every person to become a genius in their own way. There won't be the danger for abuse of knowledge and power, because we will all intrinsically understand that our personal success and potential is tied to humanity's success, therefore we will not seek to harm ANY others, as they will inevitably help us succeed too.

9)Ignorance and Apathy

Ignorance has been an enemy to our potentials. Some of it has been by design, yet often it has also been by choice. I can remember in school, that many of the kids thought it was so cool to neglect their work and refuse to learn or try. I imagine that was a part of the propaganda too. We now have many grown people who don't care to learn new things and don't want to read anything educational. Humans naturally have a thirst for knowledge, a curiosity about the world around us, but our cattle-like "civilization" has taken much of the wonder and desire out of learning. Ignorance has evolved into apathy as a result of our restrictive systems. I only hope we can reverse the damage that's been done.

10)Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is "the mental stress (discomfort) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values; when performing an action that contradicts existing beliefs, ideas, or values; or when confronted with new information that contradicts existing beliefs, ideas, and values." People who see the true extent of the problems with our world are often met with this phenomenon when they try to make their fellow humans aware. It commonly presents itself as anger, gaslighting, character assassinations and sometimes violence. What we all need to realize is that it's okay to have a false belief (we all have them at one time or another). What's not okay is to hold on to that belief to preserve your inflated sense of self, and bring down others, instead of simply being humble and correcting yourself. The person who gives you this new and opposing knowledge is not superior to you, or anyone. That person has become humble themselves and corrected their previous beliefs to get to the understanding they are kindly trying to help you find. Although anger is an appropriate response, your anger at the person is inappropriate. You should be angry at the people who led you to believe these things in the first place, and happy that this person is letting you know of this travesty. This has stifled our potentials because many of us simply react emotionally without truly even realizing why they are doing so, and who they should really be angry at. It has led to the murder of many a beautiful person trying to help humanity. There is literally only one way we can break this cycle of insanity that has plagued humanity- together. It will help each of us astronomically. Let's create paradise together, as we should have already. Namaste.

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Infinite Love, -Serendellion

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