10 Reasons Our Economy is Obsolete
The economy: a concept that has become so intertwined with our daily lives that nearly everything we do revolves around it in some way. People will defend its necessity as if their lives depend on it, because within this system, they do. Yet it is also the chains that bind us, and there is only one way to release ourselves: to let go of it. So many problems in today's world would dwindle and even be eradicated if only we could let go of the concept of economy. I present to you 10 Reasons Our Current Economy is Obsolete.
1)A completely fabricated abstract concept
The concept of modern economics is an abstract concept that was fabricated by man to perpetuate money and its use. According to Wikipedia, the economy originated as a benign concept, where trading was necessary to survive, but also used to acquire luxury items. When the first big banks were founded, by Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici, of the infamous Medici family, and Jakob Fugger, this is where I suspect much of the corruption arose. These bankers likely started loaning money that wasn't there and/or spending money they didn't own or have. In a world where scarcity meant death, and fast reward meant survival, it would be the obvious choice of most people, if given the temptation. But scarcity today is the choice of world leaders.
2)We can provide needs sustainably without it
Now, we have developed innovations and technologies that could eradicate scarcity whatsoever. Predatory behavior towards other humans nowadays is certainly not the wisest behavior. If we all had the opportunity to pursue our passions unbridled, our world would be unrecognizable within 10 years. Today, we have the ability to ensure we each have all we need provided through technology. With automated farming, 3d printing, and water purification, we could all be provided for pretty easily, and at a fraction of what it costs us all to sustain perpetual war, as those in charge aspire to create, since it provides an endless cash-flow to their coffers. Ensuring these things for all would initially provide them with a population with entirely expendable income. It would be silly to not see that. But that's off subject. What I'm saying is when all everyone needs is provided for, the economy is an unnecessary worry.
3)It creates lack
In an economy without limits, based on a world with limited resources, there will exist those who have ridiculously more than they need, and it does sound wonderful when you first hear of it, living the life of luxury. But what most people fail to realize is that for each of the 8 wealthiest people in the world, there are 450,000,000 of the poorest people in the world(Oxfam International). This means that for every extremely wealthy person there are countless people starving. In a closed system like our economy with limited resources, any success is someone else's demise.
This is unthinkable. The suffering one causes by financial success in this world is a tragedy, and the worst part is that most people are oblivious to this fact. We need to do something about this. Now. Each extremely wealthy person is responsible for so much suffering , starvation, disease and death, and we can fix this right now if we want to. A fraction of their wealth would completely solve this problem worldwide if everyone were guaranteed all they need, and we could ensure that we live sustainable and in harmony with the earth so it would never harm the earth, and even undo the damage we've already done, especially with every person's cooperation.
4)It wastes resources
Our current economy wastes so many resources in production, transportation, fuel, shoddy materials, and poor design. This is because capital gain depends on future customers. Personally, I tend to buy the most sturdy products that would last the longest, but either they are incredibly expensive, or the company uses progressively cheaper designs, so they progressively deteriorate in durability. I also notice food packaging getting smaller and smaller and prices rising. This is great for corporations, but horrible for the planet and the working class.
5)It encourages wastefulness
With products like these, which are commonly cheaper to replace than repair, people often throw away the old ones and simply buy new ones. This is unnecessary and not sustainable. If you're concerned with the environment, as we all should be, it's obscene. But most people will defend the economy over the environment, as they have been indoctrinated to do so since birth.
6)It encourages materialism
From a young age in much of the world, we are shown eye catching commercials with the most awesome toys you could imagine that make you excited and compel you to beg your parents to get the toy. Often when you get the toy it is not quite as amazing as they made it seem. One example was a robotic dog I got for my daughter, that clearly showed it moving in the commercial. When I got the dog, it just had wheels on the leg and got pushed across the floor. There was one that walked, but it was out of my price range. She never even played with the toy because she was so disappointed.
From birthdays, to holidays, to anniversaries, they have all been commercialized and encourage materialism. It's a perversion of what they should really be about: love for our family. Nowadays I make things for my family, and many are disappointed because they would prefer a store-bought, cheaply produced item they can play with. People have forgotten that the things you make with your own hands are directly from you, therefore have more personal value. A home-cooked meal, a handmade scarf, a hand painted picture; these things are one of a kind, and no two people will make the same one. To me, that is much more valuable. Increased materialism leads to devaluing people, and increased waste.
7)It destroys the environment
As I iterated before, this economy encourages waste to promote capital gain. This is horrible for the environment. It needs to stop. When we depend upon the economy for sustenance and gain, it is a hard thing to stop. The best solution would be to phase it out. The environmental problems would slowly go away and be resolved and unable to return without the system that encourages them. Everything about our economy, besides the new green minded sectors, which even carry some of these problems themselves, is in direct opposition to our environment.
8)It promotes ignorance
The perpetuation of this system is dependent on the continued apathy and ignorance of society. If you are kept working and distracted by sports, celebrities, and other meaningless forms of entertainment, you will never have time to sit and think or question the status quo. From a young age, we were trained to parrot the answers in the textbook, do what we were told because authority is "always right" and follow the crowd. Well, now the crowd is slowly walking off a cliff and most people are so distracted they're just following the person ahead of them without question.
Critical thinking is a necessary defense mechanism that had been discouraged for generations. Many people are more worried about being accepted by their peers than doing the right thing. Many people are so attached to the comfort of the way things have always been that they cringe at the very thought of doing something different, even if it could save the planet. Others are fearful of those in power, who would also only benefit from a new system, once they recovered from their severe addiction to money and power. No one should rule, as power is a corrupting force. No one should have more ability to thrive than another, for it will bring the wrong people in power every time, and it means someone will be lacking somewhere else. We should all share responsibility for the planet and its maintenance, and the development and success of humankind. We should all strive to ensure others have the same comfort and luxuries we want for ourselves, as it will only mean more success for all of us.
9)It encourages corruption and greed
The current economy encourages corruption and greed, as it is the fastest way to ensure success. Many of those who have the most acquired it in corrupt manners. This system rewards that behavior, especially if you have the money to pay off law enforcement and judges. This is just creating more chaos in the world. The only way we can overcome this corruption is to take away the playing cards. They may fight, like any addict, but after seeing the world we will manifest without this bad behavior, they will most likely come around. This new paradigm is possible. I see it every day in my dreams and thoughts. Even the rich will gain so much more than they lose. Peace of mind, love, true happiness and fulfillment; things that normally elude them in the world they have learned to thrive in... We really shouldn't fear them. They are our most powerful allies. The truth will hit them, and they will be like the Grinch in the notorious Doctor Seuss story.
10)It wastes time and lives
So much death and destruction can be directly attributed to our attachment to economy. Starvation, disease (which we could cure much easier without corporations' interference due to their vested interest in creating lifelong customers), famine, ignorance, pollution, poverty, crime: They could all be easily defeated without our illogical addiction to economy.
In a future world where monetary gain is no concern, products would be durable, efficient, and likely 3d printed in every person's home to avoid waste and transport costs. Fossil fuels would be banned. Doctors would heal people. Medicine would help people. Politicians would not be as likely to be corrupt. People would have unlimited access to free education. No one would suffer from lack. Crime would be almost, if not completely, eradicated, as it is usually a symptom of those who lack and hurt. Pollution would be a high crime. The only true crime would be harming the Earth, others, and their ability to thrive, and there would only be one exception: defense. Wars would be a thing of the past. Even government would become unnecessary. Ignorance would be obliterated, as its encouragement was only a result of maintaining the status quo and the illusions of its credence. We would be traversing deep space in no time, and possibly meet extraterrestrials who could know of our existence but avoid us because they see how ignorant our species is in the way we conduct ourselves.
This world is possible. This world is logical. This world is necessary.
It only requires everyone to demand it.
So, if this article makes you angry or if you find it ridiculous, ask yourself, honestly, if you are defending old thought patterns out of self preservation, and truly consider what I am saying. It is only truth. It can only be seen when one sees their own deceptions and becomes honest and determined to find the truth.
This world will manifest. It's the only true solution.
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Infinite Love, -Serendellion