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10 Feelings That Lower Your Vibration and How to Transcend Them

Humans are emotional creatures. We have so many feelings throughout each day that some of us even have a hard time identifying them, much less expressing them. Emotion is part of the human condition. We will never eradicate emotions, we can only control how we deal with them. Certain emotions can elicit feelings of bliss and happiness, whilst others will elicit suffering and sadness. These negative feelings are an inevitable part of life, but we don't have to wallow in them. We must feel them, acknowledge them, and move on. As with any problem, we must focus on the solution, not the problem itself. Our emotions translate into literal vibrations that we transmit to the physical world (A statement I have researched in depth, and invite you to do the same). Therefore, if we are holding negative vibrations, we are negatively effecting the world around us, and vice-versa. This makes it obvious that holding a state of negative emotion is unfavorable to both your own physical and mental state and that of those in the world around you. Being mindful of this can be an incredibly helpful thing for all.


We have all felt it. We see someone else with something or some quality we wish we possessed, and we become envious and insecure. There is really only one cure for these feelings: confidence. Realize the unique qualities you possess and celebrate them. Admire others' positive qualities and if you wish you had them, emulate them. Stop comparing yourself to others. This just sets you up for disappointment. Your perception of others is just that: a perception. To have an accurate gauge of a person, you must actually be the person and accept yourself as you are, therefore it is impossible to truly perceive others as they really are, unless they are honest with themselves and open about themselves to the world. These are the only people who can be truly happy and find true friends. Only when you are open and honest with both yourself and the world can people truly know you. Be authentic and own you and your unique qualities. Authenticity is power.


Disappointments are bound to happen from time to time. There is no reason to wallow in them. Out of sheer probability, disappointments are inevitable, so obviously, it is useless to brood on them. Feel it, voice it, then move on to something you enjoy.


Worry is the misuse of the imagination. And pessimism is not useful at all. There is always a possibility that things may not go as planned or things may mess up, but to expect them to is only harming your inner peace. Always hope for the best, but be prepared for setbacks at times. Keeping an optimistic mindset is essential to mental health. Instead of worrying about what may go wrong, imagine what could go right, or imagine the possibilities of wonderful things. It will bring you so much more happiness than any worry or pessimism ever did.


I always say you can hate actions, ideas, and conditions of the world, but never a person, as people can always change, and their actions are never a permanent part of them. Hatred is another waste of time, as it steals your happiness, and gives power to the thing you dislike. Imagine all of the wonderful things you can think of once this ugly feeling is eliminated. Acknowledge your hatred of the situation, action, idea, or condition, and move on. Do something to change it if you can. Don't dwell on it. It will only harm you.


Every being feels anger and frustration. It is a part of life. We must let it go, or remove ourselves from the situation that is responsible to rid ourselves of these feelings. This is a particularly hard one to deal with, because some people are just agitators and thrive on feeding anger. Walk away. That behavior is no good for anyone. This includes teasing, bullying, "joking" at others' expenses and passive aggressive behavior. Out with the feelings in as nice a way as possible, resolve them and these behaviors will be gone. I understand there are those who are much less emotionally mature and get stuck in circular arguments due to rigidity of position (They may believe they're right, or even be right, and it could even be you at times.)... best to give them space and move on. They may come around someday, or never. It's not your responsibility to help them, although trying is noble. It's best to argue to resolve, not to see who is right, but what is right, and never insult, as that is the last resort of someone with a shaky position, done to incite more anger.


Fear is something we are fed from the time we are young children. We are told not to climb because we may fall, not to wander as we may get lost... Some of these fears are indeed valid, and good reasons for a child, but as an adult, being fearful is harmful to your mental state. It creates an environment of constant stress, which can present itself as problems in the body, if present for enough time. So many aspects of religion are based on fear. The whole concept of the devil and hell was made to scare people into behaving, and to serve as a scapegoat for those who commit evil acts to shirk responsibility for their own actions. Now, who knows, there may really be an entity named Satan. But to be in constant fear of him and speak of him is to give him power. These negative entities, if they do exist, thrive on fear and hatred, and their power is dependent on these negative states of mind. So, to defeat them, we must take away their source of power. They can't thrive without them. Personally, I believe we each have the capacity for both immense good, and immense evil, and it is up to us which one we choose. Love and hatred exist in us all, but love will always defeat hatred, because it is far superior. Its vibration is so much more charged that the hatred will be cancelled out. I believe it to be the only true power, as it is self sustainable, and the natural state of all beings. But that's just me, it's okay to believe something else too. I may be right, or wrong.


Sadness is bound to happen from time to time. When lose a loved one, we see the suffering in the world, when our friend moves away... These things are natural. We must not wallow if possible. Grief is different for everyone. Some people take more time to process it. It seems to me that the longer we withhold the true extent of the emotion surrounding it, the longer we will have to deal with it. Feel it. Feel the full extent. It hurts, so badly, I know. But that is the only way to let it go. When we lose a loved one, we will always feel their absence from time to time. In these moments, I try to remember a happy memory with them. I also try to honor the loved one in my life by remembering them and the wonderful things they've done. As for people who have moved away, we can still keep in touch. We are so connected in today's world. My best friend lives across an ocean right now and has often lived across the country, but no amount of distance can separate true friends. The toughest sadness to deal with is the sadness we experience when someone is still alive, we still love them, but we can't have them in our lives anymore because they crossed a line or have proven to be toxic to your life. These people I deal with much like I deal with a deceased loved one. I wish them the best, for that's what's best for the world and them, and I think of the fond memories we had and the lessons knowing them taught me. There is always something positive to help. Our task is to find it.


This is so tough. I have been here so many times. We must remember this feeling is completely self imposed. There is always hope for us to change the situation, as long as we're still breathing. Dust yourself off, stand up, and fight your way back to positivity. You are a strong, amazing being who can overcome anything if you put your mind to it. Never give up.


Feeling powerless is also an illusion. There are things you can't change immediately, but you are never powerless. There is always something you can do, some direction you can take, that will help. The challenge is in changing the approach. If you feel powerless, first check if you are trying the same approach time and again, because a new approach could be your breakthrough. Every breakdown is the opportunity for breakthrough. Your success will always help the world more than your downfall, especially if that success is in the interest of helping the entire world. The Universe wants us all to thrive. Flex that arm and rise in your power. Your unique gifts are needed and can and will help the world if you decide to use them. People may try to make you feel powerless, but they are either trying to keep you down to make themselves feel better, or just not happy with themselves.


This is the lowest vibration one can possess. It is so hard to crawl out of the depths of depression, but not impossible. You can do it. No drugs needed. Your mind has become addicted to the chemicals that are emitted by dwelling on these feelings. Feeling them gives you that fix that your body needs to offer some small relief. The things that can truly help you here are walks in nature, fun, true friendships, music, writing, any and all of the things you enjoy that give you that positive release of endorphins, if done consistently for 3 weeks, how long it takes to make or break a habit, will help. After that, you may relapse, but repeat the process and stay consistent. Feel the negative emotion, acknowledge it, but move to better thoughts, never dwell on it. Focus on solutions, never problems. Find the root and dig it up. It may even be completely situational. The world loves you and wants you to be happy. Your smile lights a thousand worlds.

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Infinite Love, -Serendellion

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